Shaman & Clown: What Elephants Recall by Richard Lance Williams for Mythopoetry Scholar 2010 an on line ezine; publisher:
myth and poetry

Annual Reflections In Depth Perspectives
Mythopoetry Scholar Ezine volume one Jan. 2010
scanner Art by Richard Lance Williams
This Issue: Health & Well-Being

shaman & clown
© 2009 Richard Lance Williams November 3 shaman & clown: what elephants recall

Jung famously said: Gods have become diseases, but did not Asklepios already know this? Asklepios asked only the payment of a poem for his dream services -Noel Cobb (p231)

& she remembers
the long trains
rolling thru
the night

iron bars
small cages
skeletal bodies
the consciousness
of lines not to be crossed
children marked by whistled calls
by a longing to run away into darkness

the circus begins with
the stick stuck in
the ground
looped line
& the horses

that could not be tamed—
o master step into
the circle reveal
center ring
the pole
which all

shaman pole
& who climbs up
thru the hole of heaven
look! kills the horse & rides
the skin & bones into the fabled

hall seeks out the cause
of the malady of
the damnable
curse that

all—the circus is in town &
we all watch—spectators
to the action unfolding
under the tent heaven

pole the tightrope
walker priest

lash & flying
head in the jaws
of lions the beauty
clenching a rope with
her teeth (check its teeth)
spinning high in the air (how
much ecstasy can she

withstand) the chills & thrills
& of course of course
(Henry the Horse is
always topping
the bill: he
is death
the sacrifice

he is Wotan he is
Christ riding an ass
parading into Jerusalem
for the last dance
the finale

a grand

the spot
nail down
the dimensions
bury the secrets
everyone’s a mark

the clowns the clowns
heavy lead footed

bloody cheeks
bloody lips
big shoes

white skin moon bone
a flower that shoots rain—
reverse the order the circle remains—
all aboard for the next train

the smell of death will
disappear with
the crowd

& even old freaks
swat at the flies
as the horses
are fitted to
bridles & bits
in stainless steel
*****************************Mythopoetry Scholar Ezine Jan, 2010 *****************************

Richard Lance Williams
Author Bio: Richard Lance Williams received his master’s degree in mythology with an emphasis in depth psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute in 1998. Ric has edited the Litera listings of The Austin Chronicle since 1988. He wrote the “Poet’s Beat” column (interviews with local poets) for The Austin Light from 1987-1991. He edited for Ed Buffalo’s poetry anthologies Aileron and Vowel Movement in the late 80’s and early 90’s and was the associate editor from 1997-1999 for Alchemy on Sunday, the literary journal of Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has written and/or edited for the Austin Chronicle, Man! Magazine, and the Salt Journal. His interview with Larry McMurtry is included in Conversations with Texas Writers, published in March 2005 by UT Press.

Secret Book of God
read an excerpt from this book
poetry, 104 pages, soft cover
bookstore price: $14.95

December 2007 - Robert Bonazzi, critically acclaimed author and Poetic Diversity Columnist for the San Antonio Express-News, announced Ric Williams’ the secret book of god as the best book of poetry by a living Texas poet in his 2007 Poetic Diversity Awards. These awards intend to bring recognition to significant books that have been overlooked. Previous winners of the Poetry in Texas award are Paul Christensen (Hard Country, Thorp Springs Press) and Naomi Shihab Nye (You & Yours, BOA Editions, Ltd.).
Purchase Here

Woman In The Tower: Stories for the Wounded Child
read an excerpt from this book
read what people are saying about this book

Fiction, 200 Pages, Hard Cover
Bookstore Price $19.95

Richard Lance Williams reads from His novel: WOMAN IN THE TOWER
Purchase Here


Essay This Issue:
some notes on health

Poetry: Attendant Poem:
untitled postscript twitching

Inside This Issue: back

mythopoetics mythopoesis
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